
palette 5
New WAA Workshop
Part of my involvement with the Wyoming Artists’ Association now includes leading one of the workshops at this year’s convention:  Equine Drawing.  As the convention is being held at the Sublette County...
In December 2023, I received a phone call from the president of the Wyoming Artists’ Association. A shakeup of leadership had happened, and the new leaders were looking for some assistance going forth....
snowy road wd sm
Strange Winter
What a strange winter   Winters for me are generally a quiet affair.  Blankets of snow cover the landscape.  There is so much snow, in fact, that sometimes the only way to get around is on a snowmobile...
circuit board
A New Website
A new website Part of my return to the art world required building a new website.  Unfortunately, updating the old one was impossible: my ancient computer and the website builder software were no longer...
moran sm
Rebranding…restarting…resurrection From the highs of my 2018 successes to the despair that followed with the destruction of the Roosevelt Fire later that year, life has been a rollercoaster that has not...
messy swirls
2023 Wrap Up
2023 Wrap Up My first year back to fulltime painting since the fire started off slowly enough.  I had many projects going on without any real commitments or events scheduled.  Oil paintings, acrylics,...